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Long lease in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2021-08-01Updated:2021-08-01
Similar words: long leadoperating leaselong-leggedlong long agodonglephase angleking learlong life
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1 He has the flat on a long lease.
2 The company holds the building on a long lease.
3 The council hope to enter into a long lease with Hearth Housing Association who would refurbish the lodges for tenant occupation.
4 She bought a long lease on the apartment in quiet and respectable Hahnwald,( a leafy and staid suburb of Cologne.
5 Such accommodation can often be let on a long lease or sold to raise a capital sum.
6 Jackson marched in as if he'd taken a long lease on the place.
7 Why are they giving me a long lease now?
8 They're willing to give you a nice long lease.
9 "A concession with a long lease is better for all concerned, " says Dika Agapitidou, director of Athens Economics Ltd. , a property consultant and affiliate of Jones Lang LaSalle.
10 Meanwhile the county has revalued its assets to reflect its long lease and the planning consents obtained.
11 John Major faces severe social and economic problems as well as tough debate over European integration, but his top priority will be to maintain the Tories' long lease on 10 Downing Street.
More similar words: long leadoperating leaselong-leggedlong long agodonglephase angleking learlong lifelong-lifelonglinelong linesingle-phasesingle phaselong-livedlonginglygoing longleaseleaseeringleaderat long lastpleaseleaseddangle afterlong-lastingsubleasere-leasereleasepleaserpleasedsub-lease
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